התקדמות נושא :

LOL-Bagrut Pashut

בגרות פשוט ובדרך להיצטיינות

צפו בסרטון על פרסומות בשמים

Watch a video about ads in space

להגדיל את האוצר מילים

Build your vocabulary

VERBS פעלים

Imagine לדמיין

Appear להופיע

Contact ליצור קשר

Warn להזהיר

Prefer להעדיף

Nouns שם עצם

Ads פרסומות

Advertisement פרסומת

Sign שלט

Event אירועים

Product מוצר

Garbage זבל

Company חברה

Government ממשלה

Business עסקים

Others  שונות



In addition בנוסף

Against נגד 

Test Yourself  –  תבחנו את עצמכם









שם עצם












In addition




ועכשיו לאנסין

And now for the Unseen

Advertisements, or ads, are part of our world. We see them in newspapers, on buses and on huge signs on the roads. But what about seeing ads and messages in space? Imagine seeing a poster in the night sky with Happy Birthday on it. Or, imagine that you want to look at the stars but instead, high in the sky you see an ad for a new shampoo or a popular running shoe. Soon we may have messages and ads like these high in the sky, especially at night. Companies will want to use this technology so that millions of people will be able to see ads and messages from anywhere on Earth.


II A Russian company called StartRocket already has the technology to make ads appear in the night sky. Organizations that want to advertise big events, such as the Olympic Games, can contact StartRocket. Businesses can advertise their products, like new cars, in the same way.  Even governments will be able to put important messages high in space. For example, they can warn millions of people at the same time about dangerous storms. Some businesses may prefer to advertise on the Moon. Two companies from Japan and the United States are developing the technology to do this.

III  However, many people are against ads in space. They believe there will be many problems. First, it will be hard for scientists to learn more about space. Also, there will be lots of garbage in space or on the Moon because of these ads. In addition, it will be hard for people to enjoy the stars at night. But even so, we shouldn’t be surprised if we soon see ads in the night sky.

Great ! Now for the questions

מצוין! עכשיו לשאלות !

מילים חשובות בתוך השאלות.

Important vocabulary words in the questions.

Answer ענו

Question  שאלה

According to לפי

Text טקסט / מאמר

Circle  הקף בעיגול

Instructions  הוראות

Example דוגמה

Mentioned מוזכר

Paragraph פסקה

QUESTIONS (70 points) 


Answer questions 1-8 in English according to the text. In questions 1, 4, 6 and 8, circle the number of the correct answer. In the other questions, follow the instructions. 

1. In paragraph I we learn (–). (7 points)    

i) why there are signs on the roads 

ii) where we may see ads in the future 

iii) which ads appear on buses 


2. Give ONE example of an ad for a product that you might see in the sky in the future. (paragraph I)     ANSWER:………………………………………………………….. (7 points)

3. What is the advantage of advertising in space? (paragraph I) ANSWER: …………………………………………………………. (7 points) 


4. StartRocket is mentioned in paragraph II because (–). (7 points)

i) it can put ads in space 

ii) it can advertise on the Moon 

iii) it makes many ads for the United States  

5. Why might governments want to use the technologies mentioned in paragraph II? ANSWER:…………………………………………….. . (10 points)


6. If a business wants to advertise on the Moon it can contact (–).  (paragraph II) 

i) the government 

ii) the StartRocket company 

iii) a company in Japan (7 points)

7. PUT A √ BY THE TWO CORRECT ANSWERS. Why are some people against ads in space? Because (–). (paragraph III) ……. 

i) some people prefer to see ads only in newspapers ……. 

ii) the ads will leave a lot of garbage in space ……. 

iii) they think governments shouldn’t put ads in the sky ……. 

iv) scientists will have problems studying space ……. 

v) some people don’t like to see ads anywhere       (2×9=18 points)

8. The writer thinks that in the future (–). (paragraph III) 

i) there will probably be ads in space 

ii) people will want to see ads in space 

iii) scientists will put ads in space (7 points)

למד כיצד לחפש את התשובות בקלות ולהצטיין במבחן.

Learn how to look for the answers easily and excell on the test.

Smile! You did it

תחייכו ! עשיתם את זה !

הבנת הנשמע

Listening Comprehension

Advice for Teens

עצה לבני נוער

1. לפני שתשמעו את ההקלטה,, תעברו על השאלות וגם התשובות האפשריות של כל שאלה.

2. תקשיבו לסיפור עד הסוף.

3. תענו על השאלות 

4. בשמיעה השניה של הסיפור, תעברו על התשובות שלכם תוך כדי השמיעה ותתקנו מה שצריך.

  1. Before you listen to the audio, read over the questions and possible answers of each question.
  2. Listen to the story until the end.
  3. Answer the questions.
  4. While listening to the story a second time, go over your answers as the story is playing and fix any answers that need to be fixed.

Advice for Teens


9. Dr. Howard came to the program (–) . 

i) to advise teens how to do better on tests 

ii) to listen to teens who complain all the time 

iii) to talk about programs for teens 


10. What happens when students are afraid they will fail a test? 

i) They don’t study for the test. 

ii) They leave the classroom. 

iii) They can’t focus on the questions. 

11. What advice does Dr. Howard have for students who think they will fail? They should (–). 

i) read all the questions first 

ii) breathe deeply before they start writing 

iii) take a break before they finish the test


12. According to Dr. Howard, the best way to remember the material is (–) . 

i) to study the night before the test 

ii) to study right after class each day 

iii) to study for a few days before the test 


What else does Dr. Howard explain about preparing for a test? ……. 

i) Why students need a good night’s sleep before the test. ……. 

ii) How long the breaks should be. ……. 

iii) Where the best place to study is. ……. 

iv) How to make studying more fun. ……. 

v) How many students should study in a group.

הקשיבו טוב  ⇐

Listen Carefully  ⇒

כתיבת תגובה